Paul Bosco Coins and Medals


Medals of the

Serie iconografica numismatica dei pi¯ famosi Italiani


Figure 1 Cellini by Girometti



This series of medals of famous Italians followed the Universal one by Durand and the French one by Bˇrard. The medals were designed and engraved by Pietro Girometti (1811-1859) and Niccolo Cerbara (1770-1856), both of whom had trained as gem engravers and executed medals for the papal mint. In 1841 they undertook a series of one hundred portrait medals of famous Italians, to be issued at the rate of four per year; the series was left uncompleted at the death of the artists.


Figure 2 Boccaccio by Cerbara



These are the examples we currently have in stock:


Except as otherwise noted, all offered here are struck bronze, 42 mm., and in as-issued condition


Person                                                    Artist    

Alighieri, Dante                                            Cerbara, N.

Ariosto, Lodovico                                        Cerbara, N.

Baronio, Cesare                                          Cerbara, N.

Bembo, Pietro                                             Girometti, P.

Boccaccio, Giovanni                                     Cerbara, N.

Brunelleschi, Filippo                                     Girometti, P.

Buonarotti, Michelangelo                              Girometti, P.

Cellini, Benvenuto                                        Girometti, P.

Colonna, Marc'Antonio                                 Girometti, P.

Columbus, Christopher                                Cerbara, N.

Dandolo, Enrico                                           Girometti, P.

Doria, Andrea                                             Cerbara, N.

Galilei, Galileo                                              Cerbara, N.

Ghiberti, Lorenzo                                        Cerbara, N.

Guicciardini, Lorenzo                                    Girometti, P.

Macchiavelli, Nicolo                                       Girometti, P.

Marchi, Francesco de                                    Girometti, P.

Medici, Cosimo de'                                       Girometti, P.

Muratori, Lodovico                                       Cerbara, N.

Palestrina, G. P.                                           Cerbara, N.

Palladio, Andrea                                           Girometti, P.

Petrarca, Francesco                                     Girometti, P.

Pippi, Giulio                                                 Cerbara, N.

Poliziano, Angelo                                         Cerbara, N.

Sanzio, Rafaello                                           Cerbara, N.

Tasso, Torquato                                         Cerbara, N.

Vanuccio, Pietro                                          Cerbara, N.